Monday, September 6, 2010

i missed one

ok well i missed a blog post from last sunday but really i didn't have anything great to write about. Just about the first week of school. It was ok i guess. Just stressful and crazy. BSU is huge compared to ISU and i'm not sure i like it that much. I know its only like..the third week so i should give it a little more time. I just already know i don't like it. I didn't get into a class i need so i have to take it at college of western idaho (community college). So now i go to two different schools which sucks. UGH! Between school, work and homework i'm about to go crazy. I didn't think it was going to be so stressful. Gus is driving me nuts too. I need a break and a massage!!

This weekend Mark and I decided to drive to Pocatello to see all of the friends. We left on saturday after work and got to pocatello and hung out. It was fun because it was a surprise so everyone was excited and surprised! So everything is going great until the next morning when we all get up to go to breakfast. We walk outside and all four of my tires had been slashed. oh my gosh i cannot tell you how pissed i was. So i called my dad who luckily lives in pocatello AND is an Idaho State Police officer and we reported it to the police and got some new tires. UGH such a disaster. I'm pretty sure i know who did it but makes me so mad that he wont even get in trouble. So lame.

So tonight i'll work on some homework and watch the BSU VT game. Sounds great. Bleh.

Until next time...